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CHROMiX Maxwell is an online color repository and management system. Maxwell is currently in beta testing. If you are interested in helping test Maxwell, please contact CHROMiX at 206-985-6837 or email us at mxlaunchnotify (at)


Current ColorWiki documents relating to Maxwell

Maxwell Introduction

Understanding the Maxwell Web Interface

Maxwell is an Internet-based system that is primarily accessed through a web interface. Maxwell's web framework takes advantage of the capabilities of today's latest web browsers so only a few browsers are capable of accomodating Maxwell. Supported browsers are:

A few other notes about Maxwell's web technology

Single-page application
When you navigate to the Maxwell web page, it may take a little time to load. Maxwell is a single-page application, so after the initial page load all new information will be added or removed from the page, rather than the whole page refreshing. This makes accessing your data much faster and even works well over dialup connections!
AJAX technology 
Maxwell uses AJAX extensively. AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And Xml) allows a web page to call a website and display the resulting information without having to refresh the entire page. This, along with other Javascript tools allows Maxwell to be a fast and responsive experience. It also allows us to avoid plug-in requirements like Flash, making Maxwell available on systems such as Apple's iPhone.
Avoid the 'Back' button 
Your web browser's back button does not understand modern AJAX technology
Avoid leaving the page (for now) 
Maxwell expects your entire session to take place in the single web page. Leaving the Maxwell page(even for other CHROMiX pages) and returning will probably require you to sign back into the system.
Bookmarking Maxwell 
Bookmarking is not available yet, but it will be soon.

Maxwell Interface Parts

The Dashboard

Maxwell's Dashboard is an overlay sheet that appears when logging into Maxwell or any time you want to quickly review the selected Panes the Dashboard contains.

The Panes Interface

Panes is a new interface loosely based on the Mac OS X Finder's multi-column view and web browser behavior.

Panes is composed of a Rail and Panes. The Rail is similar to an infinitely wide, horizontally-scrolling window. Panes appear on the Rail and show either List or Detail information. Lists, naturally, show collections of objects in a list form and Details show the information for a Maxwell object.

insert pane/rail image here

List and Detail panes can be expanded to show extended information or collapsed for quick navigation.

Rail Parts

sliding the rail

Basic Pane parts expanding & collapsing Panes Closing Panes

List Panes Creating new items

Detail Panes Header & Icon Expanded & Collapsed views Object Detail Area Navigation Links Related Items Actions Footer Action menu Edit Mode /\ Notifiers Owner Permissions

Personal tools