Maxwell Glossary

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A user who has access and control over other accounts. If you create a new account, you are automatically a admin user for that account and have full control over all the account's assets. Also known as administrator.


All the colors shown in Maxwell are taken from the actual color data itself, converted to sRGB in order to be viewed correctly on internet browsers.

Color Aim

The reference color list which Maxwell uses when comparing new measurements in a track. The term Color Aim is used instead of 'reference' so as to not be confused with 'Reference Set.'

Color Repository

Maxwell's central database of color data and its associated tools and technology.


Any group of colors in Maxwell's Color Repository is a Color Set. Most Color Sets in Maxwell today are measurements that were either uploaded as a text file or taken directly by a Maxwell-compatible client application. For this purpose you can think of them as measurement files or target measurements. When appropriate, Maxwell may refer to Color Sets as Measurements (such as when you upload measurements into a Track).


A printer, press, display, (or in some cases a measurement instrument) that is to be tracked.


The Location description provides the user with a way to indicate different offices or plants that belong to the same company.


"Metrics" are the different forms of measurement analysis which Maxwell calculates for your tracks. See Maxwell Metrics
An example of Maxwell's Panes


Panes is a new interface loosely based on the Mac OS X Finder's multi-column view and web browser behavior. Panes is composed of a Rail and Panes. Panes appear on the Rail and show either List or Detail information. Lists, naturally, show collections of objects in a list form and Details show the information for a single Maxwell object.


The Panes in Maxwell can be said to "hang" on the Rail. The Rail is similar to an infinitely wide, horizontally-scrolling window.


Since the term "reference" can refer to a number of different kinds of files, Maxwell uses more specific terms to define a reference:
Color Aim - A Color Aim is a file that new measurements are compared to in Maxwell. This would consist of device values (RGB or CMYK) and the corresponding measurement values (spectral or Lab).
Reference Set - A Reference Set is a collection of files and parameters that define a reference for a track. (For example, a reference set can contain a color aim and metrics.)
Target format file - A Target Format file is used in the Maxwell Client to define a target to be read in the Maxwell Client. This file will contain device values of RGB or CMYK and defines patch order and layout.

Reference Set

Example of the Reference Set Details pane
A reference set is a collection of files and parameters that define a reference for a track. A reference set consists of a color aim as well as the metrics that are used to define what to track on a device. The Reference Set Details pane allows the user to include informative notes on the intention or creation of the Reference Set.
Since a Maxwell reference set consists in more than merely the color aim (what some would call the reference file), the user is allow to give the reference set a unique, descriptive name.
So, for example, the Indigo Press aim is a reference set which contains a Color Aim file (the first measured target run on the press) and some metrics to track deltaE and media consistency.
Since a single Reference Set can be used on multiple tracks, all such tracks will be judged by the same criterion.


Patent-pending SmartTargetTM technology enables Maxwell to mix and match profiling and proofing targets with unprecedented flexibility. Existing systems make transitioning between target formats or layouts painful and the configuration of new color targets cumbersome and difficult. With SmartTarget, Maxwell imports target data, and automatically reconciles patch order and shared patch sets. For example, full size IT8 targets can be combined with a 54-patch ISO proofing target and even press bars when trending a system... with no configuration required.
See Maxwell Technologies: SmartTarget

Target Format File

A Target Format file is used in the Maxwell Client to define a target to be read in the Maxwell Client. This file will contain device values of RGB or CMYK and defines patch order and layout. To place Target Format files in the Maxwell Client, click the Maxwell Client under the "Setup" section, choose the "Open Target Folder" link, and place the file in the folder for the appropriate measurement device (i1Pro or iSis).


A collection of measurements, profiles, or other data which enables Maxwell to monitor devices or other trending data over time.

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