Maxwell Track a Display

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Revision as of 09:04, 15 May 2008 by Chromix (Talk | contribs)
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This describes how to set up Maxwell to monitor the on-going history of the color on a monitor, or what we call "Tracking a display."

It is a straightforward, 3-step process:

1 Create a new device.
2 Create a new track.
3 Use the Color Shuttle to bond the track to your display.
Click on the Device button to list all of your devices

Create a new Device

  1. Log into Maxwell.
  2. Click on the "Device" button in the left column to bring up the list of all of your devices.
  3. Click on the + plus button on the bottom left corner of the Devices pane to make a new device.
  4. Fill out the Device Details pane with the information for your new display.

Device Model details

See "A" in illustration.

Whenever adding new models, pay close attention to how you name them, for these model names will be publicly viewable in 24 to 48 hours. During that time, you may make changes or edits, we will review the naming and ensure that the Maxwell list of models does not include multiple versions of the same device.

Create a new Track

How to create a new track
  1. Click on the "Tracks" link under Device Details. This opens up a Device Tracks pane.
  2. Click on the + plus button on the bottom left corner of the Device Tracks pane to make a new Track.

Bond Track to Display

... coming soon. Bonding a display to a Track requires the ColorShuttle client software which will be entering beta testing in June, 2008.

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