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<head> <meta name=Title content="MeasureWatch with COLORef (hot folder method)"> <meta name=Keywords content=""> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=macintosh"> <meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document> <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 2008"> <meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 2008"> <link rel=File-List href="MeasureWatch%20with%20COLORef_TOC_files/filelist.xml"> <link rel=Edit-Time-Data href="MeasureWatch%20with%20COLORef_TOC_files/editdata.mso"> <title>MeasureWatch with COLORef (hot folder method)</title>


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<w:Sdt SdtDocPart="t" DocPartType="Table of Contents"
DocPartUnique="t" ID="331104305">

<a name=Lesson198>Table of Contents<w:sdtPr></w:sdtPr></a>

MeasureWatch with COLORef (hot folder method).............................................. 1<o:p></o:p>

Open and Log into Maxwell Client................................................................... 1<o:p></o:p>

Create a new track......................................................................................... 2<o:p></o:p>

Bonding..................................................................................................... 2<o:p></o:p>

Connect to Hot Folder.................................................................................... 3<o:p></o:p>

Measurement............................................................................................... 3<o:p></o:p>

Measuring the COLORef target....................................................................... 4<o:p></o:p>

Drop in hot folder........................................................................................ 4<o:p></o:p>

Verify uploads............................................................................................. 4<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>


<a name="_Toc361922031">MeasureWatch with COLORef (hot folder method)</a>

These instructions will explain how to set up Maxwell and the Maxwell Client to use the COLORef reference target.

<o:p> </o:p>

There are two basic steps that need to happen to set things up:

<o:p> </o:p>

- Create a Device and Track in the online Maxwell account.  (This has already been done for you.)

- Create a new track in the Maxwell Client that points to this track.

<o:p> </o:p>

At CHROMiX, we have already placed the reference information in your Maxwell account.  You will find it in your list of color aims, named with the serial number of the COLORef target. 

<o:p> </o:p>


<a name=Step1850></a><a name="_Toc361922032">Open and Log into Maxwell Client</a>

<![if !vml]><img width=371 height=95 src="MeasureWatch%20with%20COLORef_TOC_files/image002.png" alt=1.png v:shapes="_x0000_i1029"><![endif]>

Open up the Maxwel Client app on your computer, and log in using the Maxwell account information.

Click on the Maxwell Client icon in the upper left corner.  Click on the "Enter Account Details" button to enter your Maxwell username and password.

<a name=Step1853></a><a name="_Toc361922033">Create a new track</a>

<![if !vml]><img width=146 height=132 src="MeasureWatch%20with%20COLORef_TOC_files/image004.png" alt=1.png v:shapes="_x0000_i1028"><![endif]>

Click on the "+" button in the lower left corner to add a new Maxwell track.

<a name=Step1854></a><a name="_Toc361922034">Bonding</a>

<![if !vml]><img width=422 height=184 src="MeasureWatch%20with%20COLORef_TOC_files/image006.png" alt=1.png v:shapes="_x0000_i1027"><![endif]>

Here you can see the tracks that are associated with your Maxwell Devices.

Choose the track named "MeasureWatch".    Click OK.

You are now ready to measure!

<a name=Step1861></a><a name="_Toc361922035">Connect to Hot Folder</a>

Click on your new track in the left column to bring up the Color Track details.

<o:p> </o:p>

Click the Hot Folder Connect link

<o:p> </o:p>

Create a Hot Folder on your computer  in the location of your choice and give it a descriptive name.

<o:p> </o:p>

(Note:  The first time you use the hot folder, the Client will reflect the hot folder name.  Later, Maxwell will use the name of the actual Track to describe this track.)

<a name=Step1855></a><a name="_Toc361922036">Measurement</a>

Measure the COLORef using your measurement instrument and your measurement software.

The order of measurements is expected to be from the cyan patch to the white patch.

<o:p> </o:p>

Save the measurement as a CGATS-style .txt document

<a name=Step1857></a><a name="_Toc361922037">Measuring the COLORef target</a>

<![if !vml]><img width=254 height=339 src="MeasureWatch%20with%20COLORef_TOC_files/image008.png" alt=1.png v:shapes="_x0000_i1026"><![endif]>

<a name=Step1856></a><a name="_Toc361922038">Drop in hot folder</a>

Click and drag the saved measurement into the hotfolder for this track.

<a name=Step1860></a><a name="_Toc361922039">Verify uploads</a>

<![if !vml]><img width=383 height=280 src="MeasureWatch%20with%20COLORef_TOC_files/image010.png" alt=1.png v:shapes="Picture_x0020_0"><![endif]>

To verify that your hotfolder uploads have made it into Maxwell:

-  Click your track in the left column to bring up the details of the Color Track,

-  UNcheck the Calculate Pass/Fail checkbox,

<o:p> </o:p>

The display will present a history of hot folder activity.

<o:p> </o:p>

The Client also has convenient links to instantly view the track information in Maxwell.

<o:p> </o:p>

Continue to measure the COLORef using your instrument every month, or whenever you are in doubt about your instrument's accuracy.

<o:p> </o:p>

Talk to your Maxwell sales representative about other features of Maxwell such as automatic email notification when a device falls out of tolerance, and much more.

<o:p> </o:p>

More information about other features of Maxwell and the Maxwell Client can be found in the ColorWiki:

<a href=""></a>



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