Category:Reserved Articles
From ColorWiki
ColorWiki articles follow two forms:
- The traditional wiki form where all content is available for creation and editing by registered users and
- The 'reserved' form where the original copyright is retained by the article's author.
All reserved articles are protected from editing by regular wiki users and all copyright rights are reserved by their original authors.
While some may feel this goes against the spirit of a wiki, we feel it offers an effective "live" publishing medium for original works and product manuals along-side group-edited works. There are many outstanding works that would greatly benefit the wiki and would be unavailable to the group if the original authors' copyright was not maintained.
If you have works that would add to the collective knowledge of the ColorWiki and you would like to publish in the reserved article section, please contact us and let us know!
Articles in category "Reserved Articles"
The following 145 pages are in this category, out of 145 total.