Mac OS X Lion Color Management Migration Tool

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Example of System Profiler details

This page contains a reference table to aid in the migration to Apple's OS X Lion (10.7) system software.

OS X Lion does not include the "Rosetta" technology that emulates the PowerPC (PPC) processor. Without Rosetta, any Mac OS X applications which only have PPC code will not run!

To determine if an application is PPC only try one of these methods:

To view all the apps on your system for PowerPC software, try this:

  1. Click the Apple in the upper left corner,
  2. Select "About this Mac" and "More Info"
  3. Under Contents, open the Software list and choose "Applications"
  4. The "Kind" column lists whether the ap is PowerPC, Classic, Intel or Universal.

Many common Color Management tools and utilities are PPC only and will not be available to users running OS X Lion. X-Rite, CHROMiX and other companies offer tools that have been updated to run on Lion and will perform many similar tasks as the older PPC software you may be accustomed to using. Please refer to the following table to determine if there are alternatives for your tools and needs. Also, if you have an application or need that does not appear in this list, please let us know and we'll do our best to add it to this reference tool.


Software Tools

Package / Application Function Lion
Replacement Comments
Adobe Creative Suite CS2 and older won't run
Adobe Acrobat 7 won't run Acrobat 8+
Adobe Illustrator CS2 won't run Adobe CS3 and newer
Adobe InDesign CS2 won't run Adobe CS3 and newer
Adobe Photoshop CS2 won't run Adobe CS3 and newer
Alwan ColorHub 3.0.1 appears OK
basICCcolor catch 3.3.2 appears OK
basICCcolor Display 4.1 appears OK
basICCcolor Print 3.1 appears OK
Fuji ColorKit
Profiler Display and printer profiling software won't run none, i1Profiler recommended
ColorEyes Display Pro 1.52 Display profiling software some issues w/ Apple displays
ColorBurst Rip 6+ Popular Photo RIP appears OK
ColorLab 2.8.12 won't run
Viewing reference and measurement files as images ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
3D view of measurements ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Testchart creation i1Profiler
ColorMunki 1.1 Monitor and Printer profiles appears OK
ColorNavigator 5.3+ Display profiling for Eizo displays appears OK
ColorPort 1.5.4 won't run ColorPort 2.0
ColorPort 2.0 Target creation & measurement appears OK
ColorShop won't run
Profile Browser File organization ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Profile Viewer Profile inspection ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
2D Plotter 2D graphs ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
3D Plotter 3D graphs ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Device Link Creating device link profiles ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Target Builder Creating target references ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Color Library manager Creating color palettes ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
ColorShuttle 3.5 Profile target printing and measurement appears OK
ColorThink 2.2 Analyzing and graphing profiles won't run ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink 2.3 Analyzing and graphing profiles runs fine
ColorThink 3.0 Analyzing and graphing profiles won't run ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
ColorThink 3.0.3 Analyzing and graphing profiles runs fine
ColorValet Client 2.0.1 Profile target printing, downloading profiles won't run ColorValet Client 2.0.2
Curve2 Creating pressroom curves for G7 and more runs fine
Eizo EasyPIX Display profiling for Eizo displays appears OK
Eye-One Diagnostics 2.4 Diagnostic software for i1 instruments won't run i1Diagnostics 2.5.2
Eye-One Diagnostics 2.5.2 Diagnostic software for i1 instruments appears OK
Eye-One Match 3.6 won't run
Display profiling Display profiling i1Profiler
Printer profiling Printer profiling i1Profiler
Eye-One Share 1.4 won't run
Measure spot colors ColorMunki
Drive i1 Pro ColorShuttle
Build palettes ColorMunki
ColorThink 2.3ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Measure light source in cxf form none
Compare color under different illuminants ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Gammas v.1.1 Graphing of monitor calibration curves won't run ColorEyes Display
Huey 1.0.4 Monitor profiling appears OK
i1Profiler 1.0 Display and Printer profiling appears OK
IDEALink Curve 1.1 Creating pressroom curves for G7 won't run Curve2
Kodak Custom Color Tools Photoshop plugin for profile editing won't run none
LaCie Blue Eye Pro 4.2 Display profiling for LaCie displays appears OK
Monaco Profiler won't run
Monaco Profiler Monitor, printer profiling software won't run i1Profiler
Editing profiles none
Monaco GamutWorks Graphing profiles and images won't run ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Monaco OPTIX 2.0.3 Monitor profiling software (compatible with Optix DTP94) won't run ColorEyes Display
basICColor Display
Monaco QC Color Monitoring accuracy of color across different devices won't run Maxwell
NEC Multiprofiler 1.0.2 Display profiling for NEC displays appears OK
NEC SpectraView 2.5.2 Display profiling for NEC displays appears OK
ColorPicker 5.0.10 Predict device values as result of profile won't run ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
generate color palettes won't run ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
ProfileMaker LicenseTool 5.0 won't run none
ProfileMaker MeasureTool 5.0.10 won't run
Viewing reference and measurement files as images ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Measuring targets using i1Display2 and i1Pro
Comparing two measurements i1Profiler
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Conversion of CMYK spectral data to density none
Averaging measurements none
Target generation ColorPort 2.0
Spot measurements ColorPort 2.0
ProfileMaker 5.0.10 Camera Profiles won't run none
Display profiles i1Profiler (limited functionality)
Scanner profiles none
Printer profiles i1Profiler (limited functionality)
ProfileEditor Editing Profiles won't run none
Gamut viewer ColorThink 2.3
ColorThink Pro 3.0.3
Pulse ColorElite Printer profiles won't run ColorPort 2.0i1Profiler
SpectraShop 4 Measuring & analyzing visible light spectra appears OK
X-Rite Toolcrib 5.0.14 Driving and troubleshooting X-Rite devices appears OK
Spyder2Pro v2.3.1 Display calibration and profiling won't run ColorEyes Display
basICColor Display
Spyder3Pro/Elite v.4.0.2 Display calibration and profiling appears OK
Spyder 3 Print v.4.2.1 Printer profiling appears OK


Hardware Support

Hardware measurement tool support available on Lion.

Manufacturer / Model Function* Lion
Compatible Software
X-Rite / GretagMacbeth
SpectroLino / SpectroScan x/y, Rx/Tx measurements yes ColorPort 2.0
DTP-70 x/y Rx measurements yes ColorPort 2.0
iSis x/y Rx measurements yes ColorPort 2.0
i1iO x/y Rx measurements yes ColorPort 2.0
DTP-41 / DTP-41T strip, Rx/Tx measurements yes ColorPort 2.0
Pulse strip, Rx measurements yes ColorPort 2.0
i1Pro strip/spot, Rx/Em/Am measurements yes ColorPort 2.0
ColorEyes Display
basICColor Display
DTP-94 (Optix) Em display colorimeter yes ColorEyes Display
basICColor Display
i1Display2 Em display colorimeter yes i1Profiler
ColorEyes Display
basICColor Display
i1Display3 Em display colorimeter yes i1Profiler
Huey Em display colorimeter yes Huey 1.0.4
Datacolor / ColorVision
Spyder 2 Em display colorimeter yes ColorEyes Display
basICColor Display
Spyder 3 Em display colorimeter yes Spyder3Pro/Elite v.4.0.2

* Function terms:
Rx = reflective
Tx = transmissive
Em = emissive (monitor)
Am = ambient

Hidden User folder workarounds

Recent Mac operating systems, by default, hide the User/Library folder which several color management applications would access in order to store and access profiles.

Here are a few options:

chflags nohidden ~/Library

or simply copy the above command to the terminal window.

Note: Create the tilde by pressing [ALT] N

This will enable the User/Library folder to be visible and accessible as with previous versions of OS X.

Additional References

Some software vendors have posted information regarding their applications' Lion compatibility:

Also, Ars Technica has a comprehensive Lion review that covers many upgrade details and other issues.

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